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We were inspired to create Sacred Lotus Love® after a move from Bali to Australia, where we met under the shade of tropical trees and mysterious temple silhouettes. We found each other there and discovered our very own corner of love.
After moving to Australia, we were so busy finding our feet in a new place and rushing around trying to tidy up the mess of our unsettled selves; we had little time for the magic that brought us together.
One night I found myself anxiously tapping the worktop while waiting for the kettle to boil, eager to get back to the ever-present laptop and the work world inside its screen.
Grudgingly I chopped the mint leaves and ginger for Carmen's tea flask (I generally dunked my tea bag in the cup!). I poured the hot water into the glass tumbler, heard the gentle bubble of hot water stirring the essence of the flavours through the infuser basket. The aroma of the ingredients rose up, and I breathed them in. I felt calmer and breathed a little easier.
It was a simple thing, yet it reminded me of the other little rituals I grew up with but had long forgotten; like playing of an entire vinyl album. It seems as though the click and push of buttons have created impatience, not ease.
In the same way, the chopping and the preparing of the tea reminded me of the value found in taking the time to make with intention and presence, thought and love.
In this way, as in many, my partner has shown me how to love in little moments.
Presence and Connection, two important words for us both, and we feel, for us all. We have set out to help create more of them both, because there are many ways to bring positivity to this world, and in a small way, this is one of ours.
Our commitment to you - to provide beautiful gifts, that help you slow down and stay connected.
Your end of the bargain - enjoy those moments of Presence and Connection with someone you love, or with the person, we must love the most but rarely remember to show – ourselves.
Enjoy the pleasure of being with you.
With all our love,
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